Sunday, September 14, 2008

Logic Circuits

Course Objectives
An introduction to logic design. The main goal is to develop methods of
designing, constructing and building logic circuits.

1.0 Number System: (6 hours)
1.1 Decimal system and binary system
1.2 Base conversion methods
1.3 Complements of numbers
1.4 Basic arithmetic of binary numbers, use of 2’ s complement
1.5 Signed and unsigned numbers
1.6 Fractions conversion
1.7 Octal, hexadecimal and binary coded decimal (BCD)
1.8 Gray code, alphanumeric code
1.9 Error codes

2.0 Digital Design Fundamentals: (11 hours)
2.1 Logic gates, symbols, truth tables
2.2 Realization of logic gates using diodes, using NAND / NOR gates
2.3 Boolean algebra, DeMorgan’s law
2.4 The Karnaugh map, don’t care conditions
2.5 Minimization theorems and reduction of K-map
2.6 Product- of-sum and sum-of -product realization of K-map
2.7 Functional test vectors

3.0 Digital System Building Blocks: (11 hours)
3.1 Combinational Digital System
3.1.1 Half adder, full adder, n-bit adder
3.1.2 Encoder, decoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer
3.1.3 ROM, PLA
3.1.4 Practical aspects – fan-in, fan-out, propagation delay
3.2 Sequential Digital System
3.2.1 Difference between combinational and sequential circuit
3.2.2 The concept of memory, flip-flop as 1-bit register
3.2.3 Clock, Rising edge, falling edge and level triggering
3.2.4 Setup time, hold time, clock skew
3.2.5 S-R, J-K, Master-slave, T, and D type flip-flops, latches
3.2.6 Shift registers Serial to parallel converter Serial in serial out register Parallel to serial converter Parallel in parallel out register Right shift, Left-shift register Digital delay line Sequence generator Shift register ring and twisted ring counter
3.2.7 Ripple counter, synchronous counter, applications

4.0 Sequential Machines: (10 hours)
4.1 Synchronous machines
4.1.1 Clock driven models and state diagrams
4.1.2 Transition tables, Redundant states
4.1.3 Binary assignment
4.1.4 Use of flip-flops in realizing the models
4.2 Asynchronous machines
4.2.1 Hazards in asynchronous systems and use of redundant branch
4.2.2 Allowable transitions
4.2.3 Flow tables and merger diagrams
4.2.4 Excitation maps and realization of the model

5.0 Digital Design Examples: (7 hours)
5.1 Design study: Character Generators
5.1.1 Dot matrix of a character
5.1.2 Printed characters
5.1.3 CRT single-character waveform
5.1.4 Display of one character
5.1.5 Display of a line of characters
5.2 Design work: Serial adder
5.2.1 Block diagram and design issues
5.2.2 Concept of tri-state logic and bus
5.2.3 The registers with a common bus
5.2.4 The summing unit

Laboratory : The laboratory exercises in this course consist of both CAD and hardware construction. The hardware experiments involve the use of logic patch boards for construction of gates array and memory based circuits.

1.0 Safe Laboratory procedures
2.0 AND, OR, and INVERTER gates
3.0 DeMorgan’s law and familiarization with NAND and NOR gates.
4.0 Familiarization with binary addition and subtraction.
5.0 Construction of true complement generator
6.0 Encoder, decoder, and multiplexer.
7.0 Latches, RS, Master-slave and T type flip flops.
8.0 D and J-K type flip flops.
9.0 Shift registers
10.0 Ripple Counter, Synchronous counter
11.0 Familiarization with computer package for logic circuit design.
12.0 Design digital circuits using CAD.

1.0 M. M. Mano, “Digital Logic and Computer Design”. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 07632, 1979.
2.0 William I. Fletcher, “An Engineering Approach to Digital Design”. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 110 001, 1990.
3.0 Millman-Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”. McGraw-Hill, 1986.
4.0 D. L. Dietmeyer, “Logic Design of Digital systems”. Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Massachusetts 02194, 1982.
5.0 A. F. Malvino, “Digital Electronics & Computer” McGraw Hill

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